Monday, August 13, 2012

Summer into fall

It's mid August. Already we are seeing flashes of yellow leaves. Can summer be winding down already?

To usher in the end of summer and welcome fall, we have two great upcoming shows.

Sally Bags

The first is in Manchester on August 25th from 9:30am - 4:30pm at the beautiful Longfellow's Greenhouses. Longfellow's are fantastic hosts and offer great end of the season sales as well! We are thrilled to return for our fifth consecutive year with over twenty talented lady artists and craftswomen! Our Manchester show is a wonderful way to peruse and discover great art and to meet some of our amazing lady artisans!

Shipyard Point Glassworks

The suggested $2 door donation and luncheon/snack proceeds will directly benefit the Sexual Assault Crisis and Support Center's vital services. A list of exhibitors can be found on our website or our FB page.

The following weekend, on September 1st, from 9am-4pm, we can be found in Camden at the First Congregational Church on Elm St. As always, Camden is a beautiful show, brimming with great energy and amazing art.

Catherine Worthington
The suggested $2 door donation, lunch and snack proceeds will benefit New Hope for Women.

Soon we will be welcoming yellow school buses, preserving the last of the seasonal harvest, and enjoying the crisp fall air. Savor the last gasp of summer and visit us in Manchester and Camden.