Monday, December 12, 2016

2016 in review....

2017 is almost here! In just a few short days, we will celebrate the winter solstice and several Holidays, and then buckle down for the eminent snow and cold. During this time we rest, rejuvenate, and create. 

Here is a quick look back at our year: 

August: Fantastic Manchester show at Longfellow's Greenhouses - authors, books, crafts, soap and personal care, music, emerging artists, flowers and more! This show is always wonderfully well attended and a lovely kick-off to our show season. 

Alley Cat Studio

November: Bangor show at Husson University Center for Family Business - a lively show that never disappoints and continues to be a beautiful way to usher in the coming busy Holiday season. 

Page Eastman Photography

December: Incredible Holiday show in Portland at the Ocean Avenue Elementary School. Over 40 exhibitors with holiday gifts galore: ornaments, jewelry, weaving, painting, pottery, personal care, clothing, etc. This show was very well attended and always has a festive and giving atmosphere. 

Bright Bird Studio

After a long year, now is the time to reflect, heal, create, love and cherish our lives. May winter's quiet solitude bring you peace and joy! We look forward to seeing you in 2017!

The Potter's House

Monday, March 7, 2016

Welcoming Spring!

Although this winter has not been as bitterly cold as last year's, it is still wonderful to see bits and pieces of spring popping up. As we welcome spring, designing women also proudly welcomes new guest members to the fold. We are delighted to introduce them to you and to share their amazing talents with you in this post. Be sure to find these wonderful ladies at one of our shows this fall!

Toni Truesdale

Toni Truesdale

Think Greene by Sabrina Thiemke-Greene

Think Greene
Gergana Rupchina

CWP Pet Portraits by Christine Prosser

Linda Mahoney Color Woodblock Prints

Silver and Stone by Cullen Concannon

Earth Angel Arts by Julie Bernier